47 thoughts on “Link Sukanya Samriddhi Account (SSA) Online in PNB 2025”

  1. Hi I am not able to link sukanya account and getting error that “Entered operative account number has no SSA holder details”

  2. I can’t be able to link SSA A/c showing visit PNB Branch to update Aadhar in SSA a/c same I have done but still did’t link , Bank says that It cannot be linked.
    Pls solve my problem.

  3. Hello sir
    I am also facing some problem to link SSY A/c show on Screen ENTERED OPERATIVE ACCOUNT NUMBER HAS NO SSA HOLDER DETAILS

  4. hi.. I have already submitted my Aadhar card detail at the time of opening of SSA a/c. Now during online linking of SSA a/c with my operating a/c, following message displayed
    ” please visit branch to update your Aadhar number in SSA a/s and then link the SSA a/c online”

    please guide

  5. Hi, following all the steps but as shown in the last slide Aadhaar number option is not reflecting in my account only child birth date option is available, while entering child birth date it’s showing an error that Operative bank is not having any SSA account.
    Kindly resolve the issue,

  6. Hi, already have a bank a/c in PNB Branch of VENGARA(MALAPPURAM-KERALA) We went almost 6 times for SUKANIYA A/c linking, But they are not providing good service for us. Already have sukanya a/c in PNB But itwas not linked, everymonth we need to go in to the bank and deposit it.
    but we need it autoamtically deduct bank from our a/c.

    actually now only we understand bank staff deosnt know how to link.

  7. already have a bank a/c in PNB Branch of VENGARA(MALAPPURAM-KERALA) We went almost 6 times for SUKANIYA A/c linking, But they are not providing good service for us. Already have sukanya a/c in PNB But itwas not linked, everymonth we need to go in to the bank and deposit it.
    but we need it autoamtically deduct bank from our a/c.

    actually now only we understand bank staff deosnt know how to link.

  8. i am not able to link sukanya account. when i am link then showing error every time try some time. Already contact to PNB customer care but no solution provide.
    customer care provide mail ID [email protected] but no reply for further process.
    If any solution please suggest

  9. Hi Sir,
    Following all the steps but as shown in the last slide Aadhaar number option is not reflecting in my account only child birth date option is available, while entering child birth date it’s showing an No SSA Holder
    Kindly resolve the issue,

  10. I got same error and I also visited branch two to three times . But no solution provided . I talk to customer care they gave a mail id [email protected] . I have done mail but no reply or response provided by PNB . PNB provides us a very shameless service . I have not mail id of higher authority. I must do a mail regarding service and solution. Rohit ji can you please gives us mail ids of higher authority of PNB.

  11. Hi Rohit ji

    I have visited branch again for linking ssa account . Branch manager reset my user id of NetBanking . After that I link ssa account easily. Thanks rohit ji again for your suggestions.

  12. I am also facing problem while linking my account with SSA. As operative account is not accepting SSA number as it contains more than 16 digits no.

    Please help me.


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